Friday, January 29, 2010

Erlang mode on Emacs

Although there are a few other editors for Erlang, I prefer to use Emacs for Erlang and its the only major reason I use Emacs for. Erlang now has an eclipse plugin too, called Erlide.

Erlang comes with the emacs mode as part of its standard distribution, so you only need to customize your emacs settings to use the erlang mode. Once you have Emacs installed (I have Carbon Emacs on my Mac OSX), create a .emacs file in your home directory (or use the one that you already have).

$ vi ~/.emacs

Then insert the following lines of Lisp code into your .emacs file.

;Erlang Mode  (setq load-path (cons  "/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.6.1/emacs" load-path))  (setq erlang-root-dir "/usr/local/lib/erlang")  (setq exec-path (cons "/usr/local/lib/erlang/bin" exec-path))  (require 'erlang-start)

/usr/local/lib is where my Erlang is installed, and /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.6.1/emacs is the location where erlang.el and erlang-start.el files are, which actually define and initialize the Emacs Erlang-mode.

Update the path and version of the tools in the above code as per your installation, and enjoy the amazing features - including the Erlang shell right from Emacs.

Just something to remind me.

Posted via web from The Web and all that Jazz

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