Like lots of people on facebook, I've been playing scrabulous on facebook. I'm not much of a wordsmith, but I have fun playing people. Justin told me that his goal in life was to span two triple-word scores, to get a 9x word score. So not to be outdone, I wondered what words would be able to give you a 27-word score if you spanned across all three triple-word scores. We would need fifteen lettered words.
Since you can only put down at most seven tiles per turn, there needs to be a word in-between the triple letter scores to help you fill it out. These "bridge words" can't already be on the triple word score already, and they must be between two and six letters long on each side, where the total length of both words has to be greater than eight.
So I wrote a program in a couple hours to find them. I did take into account whether a word was possible to make based on the scrabble tile distribution, as well as taking into account blanks. There's 286 of them thus far in the TWL scrabble dictionary. I didn't find ones that used more than one bridge word on a side. The points aren't completely accurate either.
The first number is the points you'd get, and then the two bridge words. Based simply on the probability of drawing the numbers from a full bag, "irrationalities" is the most likely word. (in reality, this never happens, since you need to draw tile in order to place those words to reach the side.)
459 : irrationalistic : ["ratio", "alist"]
You can score a whopping 459 points with it. The word that has the biggest word score is "coenzymatically"
972 : coenzymatically : ["enzym", "tical"]
Yes. "tical" is a word.
ti·cal –noun, plural
1. a former silver coin and monetary unit of Siam, equal to 100 satang: replaced in 1928 by the baht.
There are quite a number of common words, you wouldn't think, as well as quite a number odd ones. As a note, the point scores aren't exactly accurate. I didn't take into account the double letter scores that might occur if you place a letter one it. But given that the multiplier is 27 here, and I picked the longest bridge words (which usually cover the double letter score), it shouldn't affect it too much. I had held off posting it until I fixed that, but this was sort of a one off amusement and curiosity, rather than anything significant, so I figured I'd just post it. Enjoy!
567 : accountableness : ["count", "lenes"]
648 : accountantships : ["count", "ship"]
486 : administrations : ["minis", "ration"]
648 : ammonifications : ["mon", "cation"]
594 : amorphousnesses : ["morpho", "ness"]
621 : anthropological : ["thro", "logic"]
783 : anthropomorphic : ["thro", "morph"]
594 : antihistaminics : ["his", "aminic"]
540 : antitheoretical : ["tithe", "etic"]
594 : aromatherapists : ["math", "rapist"]
540 : astronautically : ["trona", "tical"]
756 : astrophysically : ["strop", "call"]
675 : astrophysicists : ["strop", "cist"]
540 : atheroscleroses : ["heros", "erose"]
540 : atherosclerosis : ["heros", "eros"]
594 : atherosclerotic : ["heros", "roti"]
540 : authentications : ["then", "cation"]
594 : autoradiographs : ["tora", "graph"]
675 : autoradiography : ["tora", "graph"]
810 : bathymetrically : ["thyme", "call"]
594 : beautifications : ["eau", "cation"]
594 : benightednesses : ["night", "ness"]
675 : blameworthiness : ["lame", "thine"]
540 : brotherlinesses : ["other", "ness"]
486 : businesspersons : ["sines", "person"]
405 : ceaselessnesses : ["easel", "ness"]
729 : chancellorships : ["hance", "ship"]
729 : chemotherapists : ["moth", "rapist"]
810 : cholangiography : ["lang", "graph"]
675 : cholecystitises : ["hole", "titis"]
675 : cholestyramines : ["holes", "amine"]
540 : cholinesterases : ["line", "erase"]
675 : cinematographer : ["nema", "graph"]
729 : cinematographic : ["nema", "graph"]
486 : clandestineness : ["land", "nenes"]
594 : classifications : ["lassi", "cation"]
972 : coenzymatically : ["enzym", "tical"]
648 : comfortableness : ["fort", "lenes"]
567 : commensurations : ["men", "ration"]
594 : commercialistic : ["merc", "alist"]
702 : communistically : ["muni", "tical"]
756 : computerphobias : ["put", "phobia"]
648 : conceivableness : ["once", "lenes"]
567 : concelebrations : ["once", "ration"]
540 : conceptualistic : ["once", "alist"]
540 : conglomerations : ["glom", "ration"]
486 : conglutinations : ["glut", "nation"]
540 : congresspersons : ["res", "person"]
486 : considerateness : ["onside", "ate"]
540 : containerboards : ["tain", "board"]
594 : convertibleness : ["vert", "lenes"]
702 : crashworthiness : ["rash", "thine"]
594 : crotchetinesses : ["rotche", "ness"]
513 : customarinesses : ["stoma", "ness"]
459 : dangerousnesses : ["anger", "ness"]
837 : decarboxylating : ["carbo", "lati"]
810 : decarboxylation : ["carbo", "lati"]
540 : deconcentration : ["once", "ratio"]
540 : deconsecrations : ["cons", "ration"]
621 : dedifferentiate : ["diff", "entia"]
513 : defenestrations : ["fen", "ration"]
513 : delegitimations : ["elegit", "mat"]
567 : delightednesses : ["light", "ness"]
864 : demisemiquavers : ["mise", "quaver"]
810 : denazifications : ["nazi", "cation"]
567 : dialectological : ["alec", "logic"]
486 : diastereoisomer : ["aster", "some"]
648 : dichloroethanes : ["ich", "ethane"]
540 : discontinuances : ["con", "nuance"]
540 : discriminations : ["scrim", "nation"]
486 : disinclinations : ["sin", "nation"]
459 : disintegrations : ["sin", "ration"]
648 : dissatisfactory : ["sati", "factor"]
567 : divertissements : ["vert", "semen"]
675 : dyslogistically : ["slog", "tical"]
567 : eclaircissement : ["lair", "semen"]
486 : educationalists : ["ducat", "alist"]
459 : elaboratenesses : ["labor", "ness"]
459 : emotionlessness : ["motion", "ess"]
756 : encephalographs : ["epha", "graph"]
837 : encephalography : ["epha", "graph"]
675 : enfranchisement : ["franc", "semen"]
621 : epidemiological : ["idem", "logic"]
594 : epistemological : ["piste", "logic"]
540 : epistemologists : ["piste", "gist"]
378 : essentialnesses : ["senti", "ness"]
540 : esterifications : ["rif", "cation"]
594 : eutrophications : ["trop", "cation"]
702 : excrementitious : ["creme", "titi"]
621 : exsanguinations : ["sang", "nation"]
702 : extemporisation : ["tempo", "sati"]
540 : fantastications : ["antas", "cation"]
567 : flibbertigibbet : ["libber", "gib"]
513 : foreordinations : ["ore", "nation"]
567 : fragmentariness : ["ragmen", "rin"]
675 : frightfulnesses : ["right", "ness"]
567 : fundamentalists : ["dame", "alist"]
567 : gentrifications : ["rif", "cation"]
513 : gluconeogeneses : ["cone", "genes"]
513 : gluconeogenesis : ["cone", "genes"]
675 : grotesquenesses : ["rotes", "ness"]
648 : historiographer : ["tori", "graph"]
702 : historiographic : ["tori", "graph"]
432 : houselessnesses : ["ousel", "ness"]
702 : humidifications : ["midi", "cation"]
783 : hypervigilances : ["perv", "lance"]
756 : hypnotherapists : ["not", "rapist"]
567 : identifications : ["dent", "cation"]
459 : illiberalnesses : ["liber", "ness"]
513 : illimitableness : ["limit", "lenes"]
486 : illogicalnesses : ["logic", "ness"]
513 : immaterialities : ["mater", "alit"]
540 : immediatenesses : ["media", "ness"]
459 : inalterableness : ["alter", "lenes"]
459 : inanimatenesses : ["anima", "ness"]
702 : inconsequential : ["cons", "entia"]
567 : inconsiderately : ["cons", "ratel"]
486 : inconsideration : ["cons", "ratio"]
486 : incoordinations : ["coo", "nation"]
567 : incrementalisms : ["creme", "tali"]
513 : incrementalists : ["creme", "alist"]
459 : incuriousnesses : ["curio", "ness"]
567 : indefinableness : ["defi", "lenes"]
486 : indoctrinations : ["doc", "nation"]
540 : indomitableness : ["omit", "lenes"]
648 : inflammableness : ["flam", "lenes"]
513 : instrumentalism : ["strum", "tali"]
459 : instrumentalist : ["strum", "tali"]
540 : instrumentality : ["strum", "tali"]
459 : intolerableness : ["tole", "lenes"]
486 : inviolatenesses : ["viola", "ness"]
459 : irrationalistic : ["ratio", "alist"]
405 : irrationalities : ["ratio", "alit"]
567 : irreconcilables : ["recon", "able"]
729 : kinesthetically : ["nest", "tical"]
648 : lickerishnesses : ["icker", "ness"]
540 : loathsomenesses : ["oaths", "ness"]
621 : magistratically : ["agist", "tical"]
594 : martensitically : ["tens", "tical"]
540 : masterfulnesses : ["aster", "ness"]
621 : mercaptopurines : ["cap", "purine"]
621 : metallographers : ["tall", "raphe"]
702 : methamphetamine : ["eth", "etamin"]
891 : methoxyfluranes : ["ethoxy", "ran"]
729 : methylmercuries : ["ethyl", "curie"]
891 : methylxanthines : ["ethyl", "thine"]
648 : microanalytical : ["roan", "lytic"]
621 : misapplications : ["sap", "cation"]
513 : momentarinesses : ["omenta", "ness"]
486 : monounsaturated : ["nouns", "urate"]
459 : monounsaturates : ["nouns", "urate"]
513 : monumentalities : ["numen", "alit"]
567 : multiplications : ["tip", "cation"]
540 : neurobiological : ["euro", "logic"]
513 : neuroblastomata : ["euro", "stoma"]
783 : neuropsychology : ["euro", "cholo"]
513 : nonbarbiturates : ["barb", "urate"]
486 : nonbelligerents : ["bell", "gerent"]
513 : noncelebrations : ["once", "ration"]
513 : noncooperations : ["coop", "ration"]
594 : nonenforcements : ["one", "cement"]
567 : nonimplications : ["nim", "cation"]
756 : nonphotographic : ["phot", "graph"]
486 : opinionatedness : ["pinion", "ted"]
729 : overextractions : ["ere", "action"]
621 : overmedications : ["med", "cation"]
486 : oversaturations : ["ers", "ration"]
567 : overstimulating : ["verst", "lati"]
540 : overstimulation : ["verst", "lati"]
864 : oxytetracycline : ["tet", "cyclin"]
459 : painterlinesses : ["inter", "ness"]
621 : paragenetically : ["rage", "tical"]
675 : parenthetically : ["rent", "tical"]
648 : parthenocarpies : ["then", "carpi"]
567 : parthenogeneses : ["then", "genes"]
567 : parthenogenesis : ["then", "genes"]
621 : parthenogenetic : ["then", "genet"]
513 : pectinesterases : ["tine", "erase"]
567 : permissibleness : ["miss", "lenes"]
702 : pharmaceuticals : ["harm", "tical"]
729 : pharmacological : ["harm", "logic"]
648 : phenomenalistic : ["nome", "alist"]
675 : photoengravings : ["hot", "raving"]
675 : photoperiodisms : ["tope", "iodism"]
783 : phototelegraphy : ["tote", "graph"]
729 : pithecanthropus : ["theca", "thro"]
648 : planimetrically : ["anime", "call"]
621 : platinocyanides : ["latino", "nide"]
513 : pleasurableness : ["leas", "lenes"]
486 : predestinarians : ["redes", "aria"]
486 : predestinations : ["redes", "nation"]
621 : preestablishing : ["reest", "shin"]
648 : prefabrications : ["ref", "cation"]
594 : preformationist : ["reform", "ion"]
540 : preponderations : ["repo", "ration"]
621 : prepublications : ["rep", "cation"]
513 : presentableness : ["resent", "lenes"]
513 : preterminations : ["rete", "nation"]
594 : prettifications : ["ret", "cation"]
702 : problematically : ["roble", "tical"]
486 : proletarianised : ["role", "anise"]
459 : proletarianises : ["role", "anise"]
675 : proteolytically : ["rote", "tical"]
783 : quantifications : ["anti", "cation"]
729 : rechoreographed : ["chore", "graph"]
621 : recodifications : ["cod", "cation"]
513 : reconcentration : ["once", "ratio"]
513 : reconsecrations : ["cons", "ration"]
486 : reconsideration : ["cons", "ratio"]
459 : redintegrations : ["dint", "ration"]
567 : reductivenesses : ["educt", "ness"]
567 : refrangibleness : ["rang", "lenes"]
513 : regretfulnesses : ["egret", "ness"]
513 : reinvigorations : ["vig", "ration"]
432 : reregistrations : ["egis", "ration"]
567 : respectableness : ["spec", "lenes"]
513 : responsibleness : ["pons", "lenes"]
459 : retroperitoneal : ["trope", "tone"]
540 : retroreflectors : ["ore", "lector"]
594 : rigidifications : ["gid", "cation"]
513 : sacramentalists : ["cram", "alist"]
594 : saponifications : ["apo", "cation"]
810 : saprophytically : ["prop", "tical"]
513 : scintillometers : ["inti", "meter"]
567 : seductivenesses : ["educt", "ness"]
540 : selectivenesses : ["elect", "ness"]
459 : semiterrestrial : ["miter", "stria"]
513 : semitransparent : ["emit", "spare"]
405 : sensationalists : ["sati", "alist"]
459 : sentimentalists : ["time", "alist"]
594 : serviceableness : ["vice", "lenes"]
648 : simplifications : ["imp", "cation"]
594 : slaughterhouses : ["laugh", "house"]
459 : snippersnappers : ["nipper", "napper"]
567 : solidifications : ["lid", "cation"]
594 : solipsistically : ["lips", "tical"]
594 : sophistications : ["phis", "cation"]
540 : spermatogeneses : ["perm", "genes"]
540 : spermatogenesis : ["perm", "genes"]
648 : spinthariscopes : ["pint", "scope"]
567 : sprightlinesses : ["right", "ness"]
540 : stadtholderates : ["tad", "derate"]
864 : straightjackets : ["rai", "jacket"]
540 : stratifications : ["rat", "cation"]
540 : stratovolcanoes : ["rato", "canoe"]
567 : strikebreakings : ["trike", "akin"]
648 : superphenomenon : ["perp", "nomen"]
810 : sympathetically : ["path", "tical"]
351 : tastelessnesses : ["stele", "ness"]
621 : teletypewriters : ["let", "writer"]
567 : thanklessnesses : ["ankle", "ness"]
675 : therapeutically : ["rape", "tical"]
675 : thunderstricken : ["under", "trick"]
432 : toastmistresses : ["oast", "tress"]
432 : traditionalists : ["adit", "alist"]
459 : transaminations : ["ansa", "nation"]
486 : transmigrations : ["ran", "ration"]
621 : trihalomethanes : ["halo", "ethane"]
540 : troubleshooters : ["rouble", "hooter"]
567 : troubleshooting : ["rouble", "hoot"]
513 : troublesomeness : ["rouble", "omen"]
567 : trustworthiness : ["rust", "thine"]
540 : unadulteratedly : ["adult", "rated"]
459 : unalterableness : ["alter", "lenes"]
621 : unanticipatedly : ["antic", "pated"]
513 : unboundednesses : ["bound", "ness"]
729 : unchoreographed : ["chore", "graph"]
459 : uncleanlinesses : ["clean", "ness"]
621 : unclimbableness : ["climb", "lenes"]
702 : uncomplimentary : ["comp", "menta"]
513 : underestimating : ["dere", "matin"]
486 : unearthlinesses : ["earth", "ness"]
702 : unextraordinary : ["extra", "dinar"]
621 : unfavorableness : ["favor", "lenes"]
486 : unguardednesses : ["guard", "ness"]
540 : unrealistically : ["real", "tical"]
513 : unsightlinesses : ["sight", "ness"]
513 : unworldlinesses : ["world", "ness"]
837 : wappenschawings : ["pens", "hawing"]
540 : warrantableness : ["arrant", "lenes"]
486 : westernisations : ["ester", "sati"]
810 : whatchamacallit : ["hatch", "call"]
621 : whippersnappers : ["hipper", "napper"]
621 : wholesomenesses : ["holes", "ness"]
540 : worrisomenesses : ["orris", "ness"]
864 : xeroradiography : ["orad", "graph"]