Saturday, December 29, 2007

Painite teaser

It seemed like "What the heck is a Ycombinator" struck a chord with people. In retrospect, I probably should have done less rambling. So after a silence of a week, I'll get to the point. Here's a little teaser of what I've been working on over the holidays.

require 'painite'

p_es = do |es|
es <<"cancer") do |pdf|
pdf["cancer = :sick"] = 0.01
pdf["cancer = :healthy"] = 0.99
es <<"test | cancer") do |pdf|
pdf["test = :pos | cancer = :sick"] = 0.8
pdf["test = :neg | cancer = :sick"] = 0.2
pdf["test = :pos | cancer = :healthy"] = 0.096
pdf["test = :neg | cancer = :healthy"] = 0.904

p_es["cancer = :sick | test = :pos"] # => 0.8 * 0.01 / (0.8 * 0.01 + 0.096 * 0.99)

It's still not quite complete, as it's harder than I expected to generalize it. The interface is still a little bit in flux, but I hope to nail it down soon.

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