Sunday, December 03, 2006

Splatting in case statements

RedHanded � Wonder of the When-Be-Splat

I always feel like I'm playing catch up to Rubyists.

BOARD_MEMBERS = ['Jan', 'Julie', 'Archie', 'Stewick']
HISTORIANS = ['Braith', 'Dewey', 'Eduardo']

case name
"You're on the board! A congratulations is in order."
"You are busy chronicling every deft play."

That's pretty damn cool. The thing about new languages is that when you're learning to write with it, you'll write it in the style of the old language that you're use to. C programmers will write C++ as if it were C. Java programmers will write Python as if it were Java. Therefore, you might think that there isn't much to be gained from the new language other than some syntactic sugar sprinkled here and there.

As least for me, being open to other constructs like blocks, closures written more like functional programming has lead to more succinct and readable code.

a = [1, 2, 3]
Hash[*a.collect { |v|
[v, v*2]

I would have done this with a for loop before, and that's probably less readable. But I have to admit, succinct code only has meaning if you know the vocab.

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