Friday, October 13, 2006

Screencast of Annologger

Screeniac �

I'm usually pretty busy so I don't search often on the web for what people have been saying about Annologger. But for the first thing that I put out, it's both a bit exciting and apprehensive to hear about it.

I had a really hard time choosing a name for it. To this day, I'm still not quite satisfied with the name, but apparently, people get what it is. So that's good news.

And secondly, it seems easy enough to use, so people seem to get it. I've had a lot more japanese users lately, (presumably from this review and others), and they seemed to put more stuff on there than 'test'.

But all in all, I need to put in the other features that I've been dying to get done, so people get see what its potential is.

Time to get back to work.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    that's awesome.. you have your own community-made tutorial on how to use annologger now :)
